Quick Tips for Strategic Planning

This week we cover Chapter 6, which is all about strategic planning, and probably the chapter I am most familiar with thus far. A lot of the terms in this chapter are familiar from previous public relations courses. Since this chapter is more familiar, I figured I would share the key tips within this chapter. Here are some quick tips on from Chapter 6 on how to strategically plan for social media.

1.     Research. This starts with your background information. What has worked in the past, what hasn't worked, and what are possible approaches this time. This also can include researching the client or company you're focusing on. Know their brand voice, how they best communicate with their audience, and who their audience is. 
2.     Determine your vision. what do you want to come out of this? It should reflect the goals and elements of your client. 
3.     Conduct and Environmental Scan. This falls back into the research element. It is important to figure out exactly what factors your client is working with. The campaign should also fit into the surrounding environment. 
4.     Conduct a SWOT Analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This are what you should look for within the client/company before building a campaign. It's important to know what a potential downfall could be and what will be helpful throughout the process.
5.     Evaluate. This is where you'll establish key performance indicators (KPIs). These are important to determine what has been accomplished, but also what needs to be done next.
6.     Budget. Campaigns can be pricey. It's important to determine what your budget will be before starting. This budget will have to include all resources, as well an extra help such as freelancers, consultants and interns.

Hopefully these 6 tips are helpful and provided some information on how to strategically plan for social media, whether it's a campaign or in general. 


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