New Beginnings Come with New Experiences

As mentioned in last week's blog, the school year has officially started! With this new beginning comes new experiences; however, this year I hadn't planned on being a part of anything new. I was a member of Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) my freshman year, which I plan on joining again after taking a hiatus and working two jobs this previous year. Last year I was a member of Ohio Northern Photographer's Association (ONPA), 4 Paws for Ability and Yoga Club. I didn't plan to change much this school year. I knew I would become an inactive member of 4 Paws and join PRSSA again while remaining a member of Yoga Club and ONPA. I was fine with this and did not plan to take on anything else. However, that changed. As I am a graphic design major and therefore a part of the Art & Design Department on campus, I was required to attend a annual welcoming meeting. At this meeting we introduce ourselves to everyone, talk about what is expected of everyone this year, go over safety procedures and look through the semester calendar at upcoming events. This year we also happened to be voting for exec board members for the Professional Association for Design (AIGA) chapter on campus. Not that I didn't want to be a part of AIGA last year after switching my major from public relations to graphic design, but I had two jobs and I rarely able to attend the meetings. To say the least I wasn't exactly planning on being an exec board member this year, although somehow I got nominated as treasurer of AIGA. Yes, I could have denied the nomination, but sometimes you need a little push to gain new knowledge.

I know it will be a great experience and look good on my resume, especially if I hold another position next year, but I can't say I'm not nervous. Somehow more nervous than I am to be a supervisor for the calling center. I can barely even budget my own money, how am I supposed to budget a whole organization's? While I'm sure I'll figure it out and know that I am certainly not alone on this journey (three of the four exec board members are new) I am going to need all the help I can get. I cannot, and yet somehow can, wait to experience this new adventure.


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