Deader than Dead Week

This week is- quite literally- living up to its name here at Ohio Northern because I am dead. Mentally and emotionally that is. Physically, I am no better than a walking zombie. I feel like this semester has somehow been the quickest and yet the most painstakingly long semester thus far. There have been aspects of it that I have enjoyed, mainly in the beginning, and aspects that I am just ready to be done with. Maybe I always feel like this at the end of the semester and never truly think about it, but this semester is also one of the most stressful semesters, and honestly year, of my life. It's kind of like junior year of high school all over except 10 times more stressful. Instead of looking for colleges to apply to, I'm looking for internships. Still trying to find ways to keep my GPA up so at least that is consistent with junior years. I think junior year is the year that determines the rest of your life and career. In all honesty, things have been looking up for me recently and I'm enjoying it. For once, despite feeling dead, I am living my best life and on top of things. Dead week also means that exams are next week, which is something that I am ready and not ready for. I have approximately five projects due next week. One of which was introduced on Wednesday of last week and I have not yet started. The other ones... well they've got a lot of work until they're done. Is just me, or do other people also work better, produce more ideas, and have better outcomes when they procrastinate and then are extremely stressed before a due date? After all, Procrastination has been proven to warrant better work than "precrastination". We'll see how much I can procrastinate before I have a breakdown. Here's to the almost end of one semester and year, and to the quickly approaching new semester and year.


  1. I feel the same exact way. This is my last semester ever and I am over it. The project, the stress and the lack of sleep. I know if a few months I will miss it, but for now I want it to be over. If I could just stay at Ohio Northern (without taking classes of course) I would.


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