2020 Social Media Predictions

It's that time of the year ladies and gents-- the end. Soon we will be ringing in a new year and along with that comes new trends. I decided I would look at some of the 2020 predictions for social media and share some thoughts on it. If you want to check out more information on these trends, you can head on over to socialmediatoday.com where they have plenty of predictions for you. This one specifically is linked here. Let's jump into the trends!

1. IGTV is the new TV? 
Personally, I don't know how to feel about this. I think it's a stretch for sure. I really don't know many people who watch IGTV all the time and I certainly don't. I think it's fair to say that social media could shift to video, but I feel like YouTube would still be at the forefront of this move. 

2. Podcasts, podcasts, podcasts!
Podcasts will increase in popularity is one prediction I could believe. We're already seeing this shift from people listening to music while driving to listening to audio books and podcasts more. I feel like this will be a trend in 2020 that picks up more steam. We as humans want something that will stimulate our brains and is changing enough that we won't get bored. I think podcasts are great for this!

3. It's all about TikTok.
Apparently, people are predicting that TikTok, you know that app that took over musically and everyone makes videos on that are basically meant to be giant memes, will be the biggest social media platform. I don't know if I agree. I think it'll be hard for businesses to adjust to TikTok and if it does happen, it'll take some time.

4. Big changes for Influencers
This is something I'm glad about because I think something does need to change with influencers. All of society wants to be an influencer and I'm glad that Instagram took away like counts. It puts less pressure on everyday people as well as influencers. How many people like your content is no longer a major deal and I think it puts users on the same playing field again. 


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