Return of the Blog

Hello! Welcome (back) to my blog. Turns I am back for another semester of blogs, but this time I can choose whatever topic I want. Now unless you have been living under a rock, which at this point might be better, you know the United States has been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for almost 7 months now. With this has come obvious stress and tension in everyday life that we all have been experiencing. I have decided I want to share my experience, past and ongoing, of this pandemic in these blogs along with other everyday events in the life of a college student. For this blog, let's jump back about 6 months.

In March, Ohio Northern University (ONU) decided it would be switching to online class until April 17, 2020. Now, we all know how this went and we ended having to move out by mid-March due to the increasing amount of COVID cases. I moved back to my parents' house, and while I love my parents and having my alone time, having no other face-to-face interaction drove me half insane. I was set to start an internship in mid-May with Mettler Toledo and unfortunately it got canceled. This hit me hard, considering it was mid-April when I found out this news and I now had no internship, which I need to graduate. You can imagine my panic. Thankfully, I was about to contact Communications and Marketing at ONU, and they hooked me up with my current internship and I could not be more grateful. 

At the end of May I moved back onto ONU's campus so I could be ready to start working in the Communications and Marketing office when they returned, which they had informed me could be at any time. I ended up being remote all summer and not needing to be on campus at all, but I did get to room with my best friend all summer. It was nice to finally have face-to-face interactions after 3 months of isolation, and I enjoyed working remotely. 

It is now August. I started my last first day of undergrad on Monday, and I can already tell this semester is going to be one of my hardest even with taking the least number of classes I ever have in a semester. I also truly wish the last year of my undergrad experience was not set amid a pandemic, but here we are. 


  1. I can definitely relate to the whole tension and stress that is consuming our lives. I am in quarantine and feel like I am losing my mind. My roommates and I just want to start our senior year!


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